Art Direction, Design, Social Rollout, Branding, Collaboration
Spec Work
AD: Tram Cu
CW: Daniela Nunez
This campaign uses the power of music to educate young people about the dangers of vaping. Through a partnership with Spotify, Truth x Spotify: The TRUTH Unwrapped delivers personalized playlists and insights, confronting high school students with the reality of their smoking habits in a way that feels engaging and personal.
Step 1 : To promote this campaign, we’re launching a native advertisement on Spotify’s homepage, featuring artists who have openly struggled with addiction. This approach draws users in by connecting the message to real-life stories and familiar voices.
Step 2 : After clicking on the banner, users are redirected to a short quiz where they will be asked about their smoking habits.
Step 3 : Users will receive personalized statistics based on the answers they give while taking the quiz. Along with a breakdown of their results, they will be presented with a carefully-curated playlist based on their smoking habits.
Step 4: After receiving their quiz results, users will be redirected to a personalized playlist based on their smoking habits. They may receive a “good playlist” with upbeat, uplifting songs or a “bad playlist” featuring slower, darker tracks.
Step 5: When users get the "bad" playlist, a message will pop up allowing them to take a pledge to quit vaping to improve their results and
"change the soundtrack of their life".
Step 6: After clicking "Take the Pledge", users will be redirected to BecomeAnEx, a free, digital quit-smoking plan and online community of thousands of smokers and ex-smokers developed by Truth Initiative in collaboration with Mayo Clinic.